Friday 17 February 2012

Refilling empty black ink cartridges

Ok... this may be a bit messy and maybe you think that this is not worth the effort but have you really thought about how much money it's possible to save by simply refilling your ink cartridges rather than throwing them away and buying some new ones?

I'm trying to save a bit of dosh and finding that my dear, lovely wife continues to race through our printer ink at breakneck speed. She prints everything out, photos, photos and more photos. It's running expensive and I needed to do something to save my wallet.

If truth be told, refilling is not a new idea to me and I have done it before but it was a bit of a disaster really. It's messy and the quality of the print was not great but hey that was before we had a charming little tool called... the Internet. Browsing the Google beast led me to a great little guide simply titled 'How to refill a black ink cartridge'.

Written in a simple English style (for all us idiots out there) the articles takes you through the complete process of refilling a black ink cartridge. Starting with a simple check list of what you need and where to get a refill kit (includes a link to a great cartridge store which I have used in the past and can thoroughly recommend). A short piece about preparation and then describing the best technique to re-filling the cartridge. Finally there are some hints and tips to getting the best quality print from the fresh filled cartridge.

If you've never tried this before and want to save some cash then it's worth checking out this article.

Here's the link:

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